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Party Talk Study

Party Talk Study is about the social functions of music. Music can support interpersonal relationships, for instance, by creating a special bond between you and other people sharing your taste in music. With this experiment, I aim to find out whether people like each other more and relate to each other better if they share musical preferences. Currently, this study is only available in German. Thus, all German speaking people are welcome to participate. It only takes 5 minutes to fill in the survey. [Klick hier um teilzunehmen]

This study is supported by
www.powermetal.de Deutscher Hip Hop und Deutscher Rap

International Music Survey
[more about this study]
take part in new study take part in new study take part in new study take part in new study take part in new study You are warmly invited to participate in a study about the functions of music for people around the globe. It only takes 10 minutes to fill in the survey. The purpose of this study is to look at different uses of music linking music preferences to personality, values, emotions and identity. This project is conducted by Diana Boer and supervised by Dr. Ronald Fischer at Victoria University Wellington, New Zealand. Please, take part. take part in new study
take part in new study take part in new study take part in new study Du bist herzlich eingeladen, an einer internationalen Studie über die Funktionen von Musik teilzunehmen. Das Ausfüllen des Fragebogens dauert ungefähr 10 Minuten. Das Ziel dieser Studie ist es herauszufinden, wie verschiedene Umgehensweisen mit Musik mit individuellen Facetten wie Persönlichkeit, Werte, Emotionen oder Identität zusammenhängen. Dieses Projekt wird von Diana Boer und Dr. Ronald Fischer (Victoria University Wellington) in Neuseeland geleitet. Hier kannst Du teilnehmen. take part in new study
take part in new study take part in new study take part in new study take part in new study take part in new study Te invitamos a participar en un estudio sobre cómo la música afecta tu vida diaria. Tarda solamente 10 minutos completar el inventario. El objetivo del estudio es saber los diferentes usos de la música y su relación con la personalidad, los valores, las emociones y la identidad. Diana Boer y su orientador Dr. Ronald Fischer (Victoria University Wellington, Nueva Zelanda) dirigen este proyecto. Por favor, participa.
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你好! 我是紐西蘭惠靈頓維多利亞大學的 Diana Boer,我的導師是 Ronald Fischer 博士。我們誠意邀請你參與這個有關音樂功能的跨國研究. 透過這個研究, 我們希望能了解有關音樂的不同功能, 還有這些功能與人們的音樂喜好, 性格, 價值觀, 情感和身份等等的關係. 這份問卷只須約10分鐘去完成, 我們十分希望你能幫助填寫這份問卷, 與我們分享你的經驗, 為這個研究提供重要的參考數據.  謝謝.


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This homepage introduces the work, research, and passion of a cross-cultural music psychologist.
Cross-cultural psychology of music is a new area of psychological inquiry. In short, cross-cultural psychology of music is interested in when, how and why people from different cultural backgrounds engage in musical activities, such as music making or music listening. Are the uses of music, experiences with music and its psychological functions universal or are there cultural specific features in how, why and when people listen to music?
This homepage gives me the opportunity to let you take part in my research, my studies, and at this stage I would like to thank you for being interested and participating in my research. Diana Boer